Dental Implants

Dental implants are the industry’s preferred way of replacing missing teeth. Dental implants which are made of titanium are inserted into the bone. Once in place they are used to provide a stable support to mount replacement teeth onto.

Why is it important to replace missing teeth?
Not having all of your teeth often reduces self-esteem and confidence.
Tooth loss affects how well you chew and what foods you are able to eat.
Losing teeth can lead to changes in your speech. This also can affect your self-confidence.
When teeth are lost, the area of the jawbone that held those teeth starts to dissolve.
The loss of teeth can change your bite, the way your teeth come together, which can lead to problems with your jaw joint.

Why choose a dental implant?
Implant supported teeth are the closest thing possible to natural teeth.
Dental implants allow you to eat all the foods you like, just as with natural teeth.
Dental implants provide a long-term solution to your dental problems, often lasting a lifetime.
Dental implants can be placed without impacting other healthy teeth unlike certain bridges.
Dental implants avoid the potential bone loss problems caused by bridges and partial dentures.
Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, a few teeth, or all the teeth.
Implants are fixed in place and aesthetically more pleasing than dentures.
Implants are easy to keep clean and floss just like natural teeth.

What happens during dental implant surgery?

The first stage – under a local anaesthetic a small cut is made in the gum and a titanium screw is placed inside the bone. It takes approximately 8 -12 weeks for implants to fully integrate.

The second stage – once the implant is fully integrated a mould is taken to create a custom-made abutment designed for your tooth, after which a crown is fitted to resemble your missing tooth.